June 10, 2021
When filming a TV show a lot of things unfortunately, do not make it on air so this tidbit is about
what you all missed! Topic: Fish Bowl!!!!
Where do I START! The questions that were given in the fishbowl were ones I personally never
thought about. Like “Imagine how my first sexual night would be” or “What is your favorite
sexual position” among other things. That face I made when he told me his favorite sexual
position was not out of disgust, instead it was out of discomfort that he would talk about that
while his family and students were watching. We had a conversation earlier about this topic in
light of our work with students who may be watching the show, we agreed to keep our actions
‘PG’ rated. Iris reveals an interesting behind-the-scenes conversation we didn’t get to see. “This
was something Keith and I both agreed we would not do nor talk about on camera because we
both work with kids and did not want them influenced by our actions on TV.” She confesses, “It
was upsetting to see he had an issue with this when we both discussed we wouldn’t talk about
certain things on camera. I was surprised by continued comments referring to me as an
‘immature’ person because I wanted to keep some things private.” Quote from my chat with
(RealiTVwithBee) I mentioned to him that we will revisit some questions once I had time to
think about them and the ones that were too intimate we could share together soon. That
unfortunately never happened after I asked a few times within that month.
Iris, I completely agree! Some things and conversations should be kept private and not for the whole world to know about. I respect your decision on keeping bedroom talk private, and completely respect you for keeping your virtue until you felt ready. Most girls and women like myself (25) should look up to you as a role model not these “hot girl” rappers and tv reality stars we have nowadays. Best wishes to you.
P.S. I love your website! It is very well designed and laid out.